a moving and inspirational concert
1. MOYSHE HALT ZIKH - Music and Lyrics by Casriel Broydo
2. COOLIES - Music by Goldberg; Lyrics by Sh. Sheynkinder
3. MUES - Music and Lyrics unattributed
4. MAZL ON A HEYM - Music by Abraham Ellstein; Lyrics by Molly Picon
5. MAKH TSU DI EYGELEKH - Music by David Beigelman; Lyrics by Isaiah Shpigl
6. PESHE FUN RESHE - Music by Misha Veksler and Leyb Rosenthal; Lyrics by Leyb Rozental
7. YISROLIK - Music by Misha Veksler; Lyrics by Leyb Rozental
8. MOORSOLDATEN - Music by Rudi Goguel, German words by Esser & Wolfgang Langhoff
9. VAYL IKH BIN A YIDELE - Music and Lyrics by Yankele Hershkowitz
10. FUN DER ARBET - Music by Mark Warshawsky; Lyrics by Avrom Akselrod
11. NIT KAYN ROZHINKES - Music by David Beigelman; Lyrics by Y. Shpigel
12. VER KLAPT ES - unattributed
13. FRILING - Music and Lyrics by Shmerke Kaczerginsky
14. SONG OF THE NAZI SOLDIER'S WIFE - Music by Kurt Weill; Lyrics translated from the German of Bertolt Brecht
15. AMERIKE HOT ERKLERT - Music by David Beigelman; Lyrics by Yankele Hershkowitz
16. YID DU PARTIZANER - Music and Lyrics by Shmerke Kaczerginsky
17. MINUTN FUN BITOKHN - Music and Lyrics by Mordkhe Gebirtig
18. THE BAR MITZVE SPEECH - Music by Frederick Pickett